baby development

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Happy 9 Month Birthday, Sugar Cookie!

This is a few days later - but better late than never!...

There's now so much Cookie to love! You now weigh 20 pounds, and our backs can certainly tell how much you've grown.

You've got a thick head of the silkiest strawberry blonde hair I've ever felt. Your eyes are still just as blue as the day you came home from the hospital. Your skin still feels just as soft.

Your vocabulary has grown too. You can say "mama", "dada", and all kinds of assorted syllables and vowel sounds. You talk to the cats a lot, too. We may not know much about what you are saying, but you sure have a lot to say, and you say it with such conviction!

Your favorite food is still Banana Puffs, though you also love soft-serve vanilla ice cream and fruits and veggies. You're not a fan of meat yet. The other night you were scarfing down on my baked potato from Wendy's, though I think it might have been beause you loved the butter and sour cream.

You've now had your first major "bumps and bruises". We've gotten 2 calls from daycare telling us you bumped your head and had a red mark on your forehead. Fortunately, they both went away in a day or so. By the time we got there to pick you up, you were "all better" anyway. It seems you like to climb all over things, and still loose your balance from time to time. You do this every night at home too, though your balance is so much better than it was last month.

You're now taking your first tentative steps as you transition from holding on to one object then another. At home, you'll let go of the coffee table, turn around, and take the two steps to get over to the sofa. We cheer for you when you do this, and the look of pride on your face is just incredible. You can stand up on your own for about 15 seconds now - and you can even bounce on your toes! We know that very soon you are going to be off and running.

The other day I went upstairs to grab something, and by the time I got back to the top of the stairs, you were already on the 4th step! I about had a heart attack, but you just looked at me like, "What?"

Your new love is now to be in the kitchen with me while I'm cooking or doing dishes. If the dishwasher is open, you like to stand by the door and try to pull out the utensils. If it is empty and I am loading it, you like to inspect the insides of the dishwasher. I wonder what it is you find so fascinating.

You also love to follow me into the bathroom and yank the toilet paper so it unfurls into a big pile on the floor. You stand there and admir eyour handiwork with great pride.

You still love chasing after the cats, and craling after them with their feather stick in your hand.

You are getting all of your baths in the tub with us now - you're just too big for the plastic tub in the kitchen sink. Besides, the last time I tried that, you splashed so much it soaked me and flooded the kitchen floor. Now we take baths together at night, which is nice and relaxing for both of us.

You can drink out of a sippy cup, but you still prefer a bottle. I think it's because bottle-time is also cuddle-time and you like that as much as I do.

It's hard to remember what life was like before you came along, but I'm sure it wasn't half as nice.

I can't wait to see what the next month has in store for you!