baby development

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Could My Cookie Be Teething Already?

Oh dear. Wyldjoker, you may be right - Sugar Cookie may be teething. I looked into the signs. Ya'll please read and advise me. I've never had birth children, or a foster child who was teething, so I need your HELP. Here goes:

Our Cookie had an ear infection in one ear 2 weeks ago, and she took a round of antibiotics and got much better...until this weekend when she was Ms. Cranky Cookie. She went from periods of absolute delight to periods of severe crying spells for no aparent reason, which is very unlike her. She could be "dancing" on your lap one minute and suddenly shreek and scream and act like she was in pain. Here's some signs it may indeed be teething pain:

She started batting at her ears - both of them. She did this a little before when she had a virus, but not when she had the ear infection. With the ear infection, she was just plain lethargic and had a high fever and cold symptoms. Now, she just seems like she's very uncomfortable/in pain and batts at both of her ears, and pulls on them if she can wrap her little fingers around one. She even scratched her face near her ear a few days ago. Come to think of it, she may be rubbing her cheeks more than usual too.

She's been waking up in the night more than just her usual once-a-night bottle. Often, when she wakes she will not take a bottle and just wants to cry as if in pain.

She's been drooling more - not a fountain, but not insignificant either. I have found myself blotting her face more and more lately.

She has periods where she feels quite warm, but then they go away - only to come back a few hours later, even without medication.

She has had a mild diaper rash that seems impervious to the A&D ointment that always has worked in the past. Day care workers asked us to check into whether she has a yeast infection from the antibiotics. Lovely. If it ain't one thing, its another.

Along with the diaper rash has been pretty loose stools - well, looser than "normal", though baby poop is still astonishing in its color and texture varieties and continues to amaze me.

The crying isn't gas-related. Mylicon gas drops don't help. If it was gas, the drops would work like a charm and she'd then fart up a storm. We tried that - no luck.

She is chewing on everything she can get into her mouth. I thought this was just normal baby behavior, but it may be a sign of teething, I suppose. When she sits in her walker, she puts her head down and chews vigorously on the ridge of fabric in front of her that forms the seat she's in. I bought her a red rattle that is a soft material, and she drenches the handle with saliva from chewing on it while sitting in her walker. Teething rings are a bit large yet for her tiny hands and mouth, and she is still new to grasping objects and inserting them into her nouth. She can do it, but her proficiency level could use some improvement. She seems to be very happy when she is slobbering and chewing on something.

She's started chewing on her index and middle fingers, or her entire fist if she can manage it.

Iv'e tried rubbing her gums with my finger. I don't get it - I just feel wet baby gums, and she just gets mad from my finger inserted into her mouth uninvited. I don't see or feel anything like a tooth, and nothing looks more red or pink than usual.

I guess I could try the Baby Orajel, but most websites advise against it because it can numb the gag reflex, and there is little evidence as to its safety (though how could thousands of parents and children using this over time all be wrong?). They have new swabs that you can use to numb the gums without the dangers of baby ingesting too much gum-numbing agent. We'll see.

So, have any of you had kids who were teething? How early did they start? Cookie was born Dec. 20th, 2005, so today she is exactly 16 weeks old. Is this too early to attribute her symptoms to teething? I don't wanna be the "rush to UK Pediatrics for every little thing" mom, but hey, I love my Sugar Cookie.

Anyone have any brilliant symptom-relief ideas from experience or family/friends I can try? Her little screaming/crying (WITH tears - oh how that breaks my new-mommy heart) fits are tough to get through.

Can a baby teethe for a long time? Can it come and go? Ugh. So many questions, and websites seems to have such different answers. I think this one is the time to rely on experienced friends more than wack websites.

So, friends - any teething info? Bring it on!