baby development

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

6 More Odd Things About Me

How did I get so fortunate as to get tagged AGAIN with the SAME THING??? Oh well, at least I'm odd enough to think of 6 more things. :)

1. Three of my ex-boyfriends ended up being gay. Thankfully, I had a lot of boyfriends. I am also grateful they ended up being EX-boyfriends eventually.

2. I have always had at least one cat.

3. I once got so drunk in college that I ended up making up an entire song that contained just one word over and over and over again. I then sang the song with my head hanging out the window of my friend's car while riding down University Avenue in Gainesville, FL. The one word: penis.

4. I shop at Goodwill, yard sales, and ebay even though I have enough money to buy new things.

5. I still "talk" to my grandmother who passed away 4 years ago.

6. I never call my foster-daughter by her given name. I only call her "Cookie", "Biscuit Head", or "Gabigaboo"... and occasionally "Stinky" when she poops. When people refer to her by her given name (i.e. at daycare or at church), I have to do a double-take like "who is that?". I also grin when people ask her name because I always want to say "We don't know yet." We are taking nominations in case...i mean WHEN the adoption goes through.