baby development

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Roll Call - Waiter's Anonymous

Stacy called the meeting to order, and Cindy has already gone. I guess I'm up next.

My name is Tamara, and I am an impatient waiter. It started for us in January of 2005 when I learned I have PCOS. Later, my husband learned through multiple semen analyses that he was sub-fertile as well. We began classes to become foster-to-adoptive parents in July. We completed our training at warp-speed on August 11th. We were finally approved to be on the wait list on September 15th. We expect our official letter from the state within the next week or so. Meanwhile we wait.

We have been through a whirwind of emotions and soul-searching. We have a "nursery" now in our home with a crib that converts to a toddler bed. It is made up with girl-bedding, and boy-bedding sits in the corner un-opened in case it is a boy. We have a hig chair, walker, bouncie seat, tub seat, play mat/gym, stroller, and a car seat in each of our cars. We have read too many books and articles and blogs to count. I have enough clothes to outfit a baby of any age or gender for quite a while. I even have diapers and formula just in case. I figured I would donate it to Katrina relief if Baby MIA arrives and is done with the formula stage.

I want our baby in time for the holidays. I want to be able to take a baby home to Michael's folks in Mississippi to end the year on a positive note following hurricane devastation. I want to make Christmas cookies with a child, even if s/he can't understand what Christmas is yet. I want to take my first real digital picture with a real camera that is not also a cell phone - and take it of Baby MIA.

I am crazy with the wait, ya'll. This is insane.

Next member?