baby development

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Gotta Love a Compliment

Wow! My boss just told me that she liked the work that I had been doing lately and that she could tell I was really "getting the hang" of the things I had been working on lately. She listed specifically the documents I did a good job on.

YIPPIE! [Tamara pats herself on the back]

This is where I recognize that I am not well differentiated, and at this moment I don't give a damn! Yes, a lot of how I feel about myself at work has to do with how others see me and the kind of feedback I get on my work.

I ROCK! [Tamara does the "Dance of Joy" alone in her office]

I really do like working, and lately it has been easier to get up and go to work in the mornings. I'm not dressing up as much. I just didn't seem to care as much about making a good impression. I figured I'd screwed up so much that there was little resurrecting the "old Tamara" who wore suits and came with perfect hair and clothes. Now I come dressed, and I work. Most days I work hard from 8-5. I take lunch now instead of working through it. Some days I actually leave my office and go grab a bite to eat with co-workers, or by myself. I'm extra-nice to my co-workers, but I figure they deserve it. They are nice to me.

My office allows me to "hide out" in a cubby-hole of an office on the 4th floor of a very old building here on campus. Last week I got new furniture and I am still enjoying the newness, and how great a good office chair feels on your butt. I am sure it has increased my productivity.

I mistakenly saw a document that revealed how much my co-workers make. I make about as much as anyone who has been here a few years. There are folks here who make more, but who have worked here 15 years or more. I don't want to be here in 15 years, especially if it means I am doing the same job day after day. This is another reason to be nice to my co-workers. My supervisor makes 50% more than I do - but that isn't a whole heck of a lot. I'll be nicer to her too. My boss more than doubles my salary, but she has to put up with huge jerks and raving lunatics every day. She works every weekend. She never had children. No thanks - I'll take my cubby hole.