baby development

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Birth Mother's Day May 13th

Lifted from "the net":

Birth Mothers Day recognizes the biological mothers of adopted children. It is celebrated primarily by mothers who for whatever reason, gave up their child to be raised by someone else.
If ever there was a controversial holiday, this is it. The day was established by birth mothers to educate, to remember, and to cope. But, many mothers who gave up their children have feelings of remorse, and often guilt. Many don't want a special day. And, of those mothers who want to be remembered, they don't necessarily want a special day, aside from Mother's Day. They feel they should remember, and be remembered, on Mother's Day.
From the child's perspective, adopted children understandably have a high level of anxiety over this topic. A fair number of them don't want a relationship with their birth mother, adding more controversy to this day.
If you do celebrate this day, we suggest you use it to promote education of the issues, and to show compassion and understanding to birth mothers.

Origin of Birth Mothers Day:
This day was created by birth mothers in Seattle, Washington. It was first celebrated in 1990.

Comment by Tamara:
Controversy aside, we should all give thanks for the women who gave birth to our children and foster-children - despite what they might have done or not done to them. Without these women, we wouldn't have our beautiful children to share Mother's Day (and every day) with.

To J:
Thank you for giving birth to Mia Elizabeth. She is beautiful and happy, smart, cuddly, and growing so fast. I pray that you find healing and peace in your life. I pray that people will come into your life who will help you, and that you allow them to work with you to bring about your recovery. I pray you do whatever it takes to not bring any more drug-addicted babies into this world. I pray you make the right decisions about this child before the courts make those decisions for you. I hope you will know that from you came something beautiful and perfect who made the lives of so many people so much richer.