baby development

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Somebody Please Make It Stop

Danger: Mommy-rant ahead.

For the past 4 nights, Cookie has begun screaming and crying and there isn't a darn thing anyone can do to stop it. The only thing that calms her down is when I rather firmly rub her bottom gumline and give her a dose of infant tylenol.

Yup, friends - you got it - teething hell has begun. It is full-on fire and brimstone and weeping and gnashing of teeth (hehehe - that was funny right there).

And after putting up with work crapola from 8-5, I am so not in the mood for a screaming, crying, unconsolable baby.

NOTHING works. Okay, that is hyperbole - but not by much.

Her Auntie Megan is in town (thank God for that, or I might have lost my mind). We went out and bought mesh Baby Safe feeders and put ice in them for her to suck on, and she loved that - for about 15 minutes. Then the crying began anew.

I tried infant Motrin, and then Orajel swabs to numb her lower gumline. All that just made her mad - really, really mad. I could relate because I was pretty ticked and tired too. I figured if her mouth hurt as hard as my head, she must be in pain.

Thank God for Megan's polite "suggestion" (which could be interpreted as "Hey Tam - get Cookie this instant and get your cranky ass OUTSIDE NOW!"). She is so cool. She can tell you to go screw yourself and make it sound pleasant. I love her to pieces.

It was so freakin' hot here that I stripped Cookie down to just a diaper and we put her in the stroller and took off down the street into the evening air. She fell asleep in about 5 minutes. We walked and talked with a almost-naked baby fast asleep until we were tired enough to head for home. Just as we pulled up to the house, another woman was pushing a baby in a stroller and Cookie immediately woke up and started to fuss again. *sigh*

She rejects bottles (which, like her mommy, is very un-natural to reject food of any kind). She screams and crys with tears coming out of her little eyes and drool coming out of the corners of her mouth. Eeeewww. Thank God I am the Mommy because I do love her, but eeeewwww and ouch. I've had a headache off and on for days now, and its not easing up.

Of course, after I head off to work, Cookie wakes up smiling and babbling and playing with her daddy as he gets ready for his day and takes her to daycare. Ugh. I get fussy-teething-screaming-kicking-flailing-take-no-prisoners Cookie. Gosh I love that baby girl.

I do wish I could take her pain away. It does hurt to see the streams of tears and hear the pain in her cries that are so different from any other type of cry.

Please, teeth. Let's be reasonable here. Can't you just pop in overnight so we can be done with this at least for another couple of months? Do you have to take so freakin' long? Can't I just pay you to come in now and get it over with? I'm good for a few hundred bucks anyway.

Oh, on a side note - everyone adored her at the wedding last weekend. Michael did a terrific job performing the ceremony - even the part where he had to wave a wand of burning sage over their heads (um, yeah, it was an odd ceremony). But Cookie was a real charmer, and didn't cry the whole evening...until we were back in the hotel room where she proceeded to "let us have it" with the screaming and crying.

Folks, I wish you all better success at getting through teeting than we are having. God bless parents. I mean it - God bless 'em. This is nuts.