baby development

Friday, July 01, 2005

WWHAYD - What Would Hoops and YoYo Do?

extremis malis extrema remedia
"extreme maladies for extreme ills"
Desperate times call for desperate measures.

The air conditioning went out in my car - during record high temperatures in Lexington.
My marriage is failing.
I'm exhausted, angry, axious and depressed.

Who do you turn to for advice for life's greatest questions?
This morning I asked Hoops and YoYo.
The conversation was surprisingly uplifting, so I figured I'd pass along their advice.

They said they would go play in the pool, eat Bugles, ice cream, doughnuts, and fudgecicles. They would laugh a lot and run all around shouting "wooo hoooo". They would celebrate that its summer.

They said not to worry about my car - that sunshine and warmth were good, and that I had my own private steam room on wheels. Others should be so lucky.

Hoops and YoYo said I looked stressed and should get away for the weekend and hang out with other people besides just my husband. So, I took their advice and the hubby and I are going to Cincinnati to go to the zoo and see a ballgame. The presence of other people will mean my husband has to open his mouth and speak. He does surprisingly well with other people, which is why it would be difficult for anyone to believe he hardly has anything to say to his own wife (says he "doesn't have anything worth talking about"). I'm also looking forward to the buffer zone. I can't be a bitch in front of other people (well, I could, but I have too much pride).

So, I'm trying hard to do what Hoops and YoYo would do. I'm going to do my best to enjoy myself this weekend. I hope to see lots of cool animals, enjoy good company of others, and watch some great baseball. The rest will wait.